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Call for applications : Thesis in macroeconomics of work

31 May 2024 Various
Viewed 221 times

As part of the ANR "INTEGRAL" project, our team (Julien Albertini, Arnaud Chéron, Xavier Fairise, Arthur Poirier) is looking for a candidate for a thesis in labor macroeconomics, to start in September/October 2024.

The aim of the thesis is to analyze the role of investments by workers (education, training) and firms (production technology) on their individual trajectories, and to assess the impact of different public policies (policies to support education or training, corporate taxation, etc.) on labor market performance.

The candidate should have solid skills in modeling and numerical methods, and (if possible) skills in data processing and estimation methods.

The PhD student will receive a gross salary of around €2350 per month. If desired, he/she may also take on an additional teaching assignment (+230€ per month).

Interested candidates can contact Anthony Terriau from now until the end of May 2024, at the following address:

PS: M2 students wishing to do a thesis internship can also contact him from now until the end of April 2024.

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