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International workshop "Competing with Algorithms and Data: market outcomes and regulatory issues".

26 October 2023 Conference
Published by Andreea COSNITA
Viewed 123 times

Paris Nanterre University will host the international workshop, jointly organized by EconomiX-CNRS and LCII - ULiège, on

"Competing with Algorithms and Data: market outcomes and regulatory issues".

Dates: 26-27 October, 2023

Location: Campus of University Paris Nanterre, Max Weber Building

Contemporary economies are now largely digitalized, and the digitalization of economic decision-making processes is increasingly based on the use of algorithms. This strongly affects the consumption of goods and services, notably through the quality of the service provided to the user (speed of responses, accessibility and above all personalization of services), and carries a strong potential for technological but also competitive disruption. It comes as no surprise that dominant digital platforms invest heavily to improve the quality of their algorithms. Complementing or replacing human decision-making, algorithms can be used to facilitate the decision-making of individuals facing a huge amount of data. They are increasingly used to set prices on a market, which raises numerous issues in terms of liability and competition on these markets.

This workshop will focus on issues with high stakes for public action: firstly, what consequences for the functioning of markets can be expected from the use of algorithms by companies, particularly in terms of pricing and targeting of their customers? Secondly, what liability to expect when the use of a platform or an algorithm causes damage? Finally, how can regulatory authorities prepare for the evolution of their role, when facing the challenge raised by algorithms and AI?

This workshop will feature invited contributions to discuss possible answers to these questions. In addition to regular academic sessions, dedicated to presenting theoretical, empirical, and experimental research on these topics, the workshop will also host a round table, where invited practitioners will debate during a panel discussion.

See program here

There are no registration fees. However, as the number of places available for non-presenting participants is limited, interested researchers and practitioners should contact the organizers for further information.


Andreea Cosnita (EconomiX & U. Paris Nanterre)

Eric Darmon (EconomiX & U. Paris Nanterre)

Axel Gautier (LCII & U. Liège)

Jean-Marc Zogheib (EconomiX & U. Paris Nanterre)

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