New post by Françoise Milewski
The decline in part-time work among women: some observations and questions
By Françoise Milewski, economist at OFCE (Observatoire Français des Conjonctures Économiques) and Chairwoman of the Scientific Advisory Board of PRESAGE (Programme de Recherche et d'Enseignement des SAvoirs sur le Genre) at Sciences Po.
Peaking at nearly 33% at the end of the 1990s under the effect of public policies (financial incentives for companies), the share of part-time work in women's employment has been shrinking since 2017. By 2022, part-time employment will account for 26.5% of women's employment, while the share of men's part-time employment is rising steadily. What do these recent trends mean? Do they represent a break with the past or a consolidation? Can we speak of improvements, of a rebalancing? This article offers some answers to these questions.
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