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Call for papers - Workshop "International finance: do exchange rates still matter?"

17 juin 2018 Call for papers
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November 16th, 2018

Research axis “Sustainable and International Finance” of the European Research Group (GdRe) Money, Banking, Finance

organized by LEM - CNRS (UMR 9221), University of Lille

Venue: University of Lille, Cité Scientifique (Villeneuve d’Ascq)


The persistence of global imbalances raises some concerns about resurgence of protectionist tendencies while the gradual tightening of monetary policy in some advanced economies raises fears about a sudden stop in capital inflows in emerging market economies. These issues are related to the role of exchange rates in determining international trade and capital flows. Are exchange rates more important than trade policy in correcting trade imbalances? Do they influence foreign direct investment? Do floating exchange rates help current account adjustments? Do they give full monetary autonomy? To what extent do exchange rates affect stock markets and bond markets?

Topics include:

- Exchange rates and competitiveness, international trade and foreign direct investment

- The effects of exchange rate changes and tariffs on international trade

- The role of the exchange rate regime in current account adjustments

- The valuation effects of changes in exchange rates - Policy trilemma vs. dilemma

- The degree of exchange rate pass-through - Exchange rates and financial markets

Submission procedure:

Please submit a paper to the e-mail address: The deadline for submission of completed papers is June 17, 2018. Acceptance of proposals will be notified by July 15, 2018. Each paper will be assigned a discussant at the conference. Presentation will be 30 minutes, followed by 15 minutes for discussion.

Scientific committee:

António AFONSO (University of Lisbon), Renaud BEAUPAIN (IÉSEG School of Management, Lille/Paris), Sophie BRANA (University of Bordeaux), Jean-Bernard CHATELAIN (University Paris 1), Peter CLAEYS (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Cécile COUHARDE (University of Paris Nanterre), Balazs EGERT (OECD), Etienne FARVAQUE (University of Lille), Rémi GENEROSO (University of Lille), Florence HUART (University of Lille), Hubert KEMPF (Ecole Normale Supérieure Cachan), John LEWIS (Bank of England), Matija LOZEJ (Central Bank of Ireland), Jean-Christophe POUTINEAU (University of Rennes 1), Piotr STANEK (Cracow University of Economics), Gregory THWAITES (Bank of England and London School of Economics), Fabien TRIPIER (University of Evry)

Keynote speaker:

Agnès BÉNASSY-QUÉRÉ (Paris School of Economics, University Paris 1)

Local organization:

Contact: Florence HUART (

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