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Lauréat du Prix Malinvaud 2022

24 juin 2022 Divers
Vue 375 fois

Le Jury du Prix Malinvaud a le plaisir de décerner le prix 2022 à :


Mathias REYNAERT  de Toulouse School of Economics

pour son article

Abatement Strategies and the Cost of Environmental Regulation: Emission Standards on the European Car Market


paru dans Review of Economic Studies, 2021, n°88 doi:10.1093/restud/rdaa058.

Le jury, composé cette année de Flora Bellone (présidente), Isabelle Méjean, Fabien Tripier, Remy Lecat, Lionel Ragot et Elise Huillery, a tenu à souligner chez l'auteur la qualité du travail accompli, l'originalité de l'exercice d'évaluation et de quantification menée, et l'importance de la question environnementale.

Mathias Reynaert is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics, University of Toulouse I Capitole, and a research affiliate at the Center for Economic Policy Research (CEPR). Mathias obtained his Ph.D. in economics in 2015 from the KU Leuven and the University of Antwerp. He visited MIT CEEPR in 2019 during a sabbatical year and has also done shorter research visits at the University of California at Berkeley, Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of Chicago. In 2018, he received an ANR JCJC grant; in 2021, he received the prize for young researchers in Green Finance from the Banque de France. At TSE, Mathias teaches empirical industrial organization, environmental economics, and applied econometrics courses.


The main focus of Mathias' published research is the implementation of environmental policy in the European Automobile Market. The 2022 Review of Economic Studies article 'Abatement Strategies and the Cost of Environmental Regulation: Emission Standards on the European Car Market' uses a structural econometric demand and supply model to understand strategic industry responses to environmental regulation. The article studies how automakers resorted to gaming because of regulatory design (the standard is attribute-based) and a lack of enforcement. The research shows that understanding both the political and practical implementation of emission standards in combination with strategic responses is crucial to evaluating regulation's welfare consequences.


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